Vault Gear

Vault Sword



8 - 10
Attack DamageThe base damage(New)

8 - 10
Attack Damage
Lvl 0 - 15

1.6 - 1.7
Attack SpeedThe attack speed(New)

1.6 - 1.7
Attack Speed
Lvl 0 +

1400 - 2000
DurabilityThe durabillity(New)

1400 - 2000
Lvl 0 - 40

SoulboundRetains the Vault Gear upon unaliving(New)

Lvl 0 +


A gear piece with an odd amount of modifier slots has a 50% chance at rolling either a prefix or suffix.

2 - 6
Attack DamageThe base damage(New)
12.50 %+

2 - 6
Attack Damage
Lvl 0 - 47
Legendary Modifier7 - 12
Legendary Modifier
Attack Damage
Lvl 22 - 50
Legendary Modifier13 - 18
Legendary Modifier
Attack Damage
Lvl 35 - 86
Can not roll alongside:

10% - 20%
Soul ChanceThe additional odds of gaining Soul Shards upon unaliving a target in a Vault(New)
12.50 %+

10% - 20%
Soul Chance
Lvl 0 - 70
Legendary Modifier21% - 30%
Legendary Modifier
Soul Chance
Lvl 28 +
Legendary Modifier31% - 40%
Legendary Modifier
Soul Chance
Lvl 45 +

5% - 10%
Champion DamageThe additional damage against champion targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Champion Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Champion Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Champion Damage
Lvl 62 +

5% - 10%
Dungeon DamageThe additional damage against dungeon targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Dungeon Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Dungeon Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Dungeon Damage
Lvl 62 +
Can not roll alongside:
Assassin Damage

5% - 10%
Assassin DamageThe additional damage against assassin targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Assassin Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Assassin Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Assassin Damage
Lvl 62 +
Can not roll alongside:
Dungeon Damage

5% - 10%
Horde DamageThe additional damage against horde targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Horde Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Horde Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Horde Damage
Lvl 62 +

5% - 10%
Tank DamageThe additional damage against tank targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Tank Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Tank Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Tank Damage
Lvl 62 +

5% - 10%
Dweller DamageThe additional damage against dweller targets(New)
12.50 %+

5% - 10%
Dweller Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Legendary Modifier11% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Dweller Damage
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 25%
Legendary Modifier
Dweller Damage
Lvl 62 +


A gear piece with an odd amount of modifier slots has a 50% chance at rolling either a prefix or suffix.

Healing CloudGrants a chance to summon a healing cloud upon hitting a target, healing nearby allies(New)
4.26 %+

Healing Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Healing II Cloud
Lvl 32 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Healing III Cloud
Lvl 64 +
Can not roll alongside:
Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Poison CloudGrants a chance to summon a poison cloud upon hitting a target, hurting nearby enemies(New)
10.64 %+

Poison Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Poison II Cloud
Lvl 32 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Poison III Cloud
Lvl 64 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Slowness CloudGrants a chance to summon a slowness cloud upon hitting a target, slowing nearby enemies(New)
10.64 %+

Slowness Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Slowness II Cloud
Lvl 32 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Slowness III Cloud
Lvl 64 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Fear CloudGrants a chance to summon a fear cloud upon hitting a target, fearing nearby enemies(New)
10.64 %+

Fear Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Fear II Cloud
Lvl 32 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Fear III Cloud
Lvl 64 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Chilling CloudGrants a chance to summon a chilling cloud upon hitting a target, slowing nearby enemies(New)
10.64 %+

Chilling Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Chilling II Cloud
Lvl 32 +
Legendary Modifier
Legendary Modifier
Chilling III Cloud
Lvl 64 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

5% - 10%
Attack SpeedThe attack speed(New)
10.64 %+

5% - 10%
Attack Speed
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier11% - 15%
Legendary Modifier
Attack Speed
Lvl 36 +
Legendary Modifier16% - 20%
Legendary Modifier
Attack Speed
Lvl 65 +
Can not roll alongside:
Attack Range

10% - 20%
Attack RangeThe attack range against entities(New)
10.64 %+

10% - 20%
Attack Range
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier21% - 30%
Legendary Modifier
Attack Range
Lvl 20 +
Legendary Modifier31% - 40%
Legendary Modifier
Attack Range
Lvl 45 +
Can not roll alongside:
Attack Speed

4% - 8%
Stun Attack ChanceThe odds of stunning a target on hit(New)
10.64 %+

4% - 8%
Stun Attack Chance
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier9% - 12%
Legendary Modifier
Stun Attack Chance
Lvl 30 +
Legendary Modifier13% - 16%
Legendary Modifier
Stun Attack Chance
Lvl 45 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

4% - 8%
Shocking Hit ChanceThe odds of knocking back targets in a radius around the original target(New)
10.64 %+

4% - 8%
Shocking Hit Chance
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier9% - 12%
Legendary Modifier
Shocking Hit Chance
Lvl 30 +
Legendary Modifier13% - 16%
Legendary Modifier
Shocking Hit Chance
Lvl 45 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

50% - 65%
Sweeping Hit ChanceThe odds of sweeping targets in a small radius around the original target(New)
10.64 %+

50% - 65%
Sweeping Hit Chance
Lvl 0 +
Legendary Modifier66% - 73%
Legendary Modifier
Sweeping Hit Chance
Lvl 26 +
Legendary Modifier74% - 80%
Legendary Modifier
Sweeping Hit Chance
Lvl 51 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Crafted Prefix

2 - 6
Attack DamageThe base damage(New)

2 - 6
Attack Damage
Lvl 0 - 47
Can not roll alongside:

10% - 20%
Soul ChanceThe additional odds of gaining Soul Shards upon unaliving a target in a Vault(New)

10% - 20%
Soul Chance
Lvl 0 - 70

10% - 25%
Illager DamageThe additional damage against Illager targets(New)

10% - 25%
Illager Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

10% - 25%
Arthropods DamageThe additional damage against arthropod targets(New)

10% - 25%
Arthropods Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

10% - 25%
Undead DamageThe additional damage against undead targets(New)

10% - 25%
Undead Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

10% - 25%
Nether DamageThe additional damage against Piglin targets(New)

10% - 25%
Nether Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

5% - 10%
Champion DamageThe additional damage against champion targets(New)

5% - 10%
Champion Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

5% - 10%
Dungeon DamageThe additional damage against dungeon targets(New)

5% - 10%
Dungeon Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Can not roll alongside:
Assassin Damage

5% - 10%
Assassin DamageThe additional damage against assassin targets(New)

5% - 10%
Assassin Damage
Lvl 0 - 79
Can not roll alongside:
Dungeon Damage

5% - 10%
Horde DamageThe additional damage against horde targets(New)

5% - 10%
Horde Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

5% - 10%
Tank DamageThe additional damage against tank targets(New)

5% - 10%
Tank Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

5% - 10%
Dweller DamageThe additional damage against dweller targets(New)

5% - 10%
Dweller Damage
Lvl 0 - 79

Crafted Suffix

Healing CloudGrants a chance to summon a healing cloud upon hitting a target, healing nearby allies(New)

Healing Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Poison CloudGrants a chance to summon a poison cloud upon hitting a target, hurting nearby enemies(New)

Poison Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Slowness CloudGrants a chance to summon a slowness cloud upon hitting a target, slowing nearby enemies(New)

Slowness Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Fear CloudGrants a chance to summon a fear cloud upon hitting a target, fearing nearby enemies(New)

Fear Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

Chilling CloudGrants a chance to summon a chilling cloud upon hitting a target, slowing nearby enemies(New)

Chilling Cloud
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

5% - 10%
Attack SpeedThe attack speed(New)

5% - 10%
Attack Speed
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Attack Range

10% - 20%
Attack RangeThe attack range against entities(New)

10% - 20%
Attack Range
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Attack Speed

4% - 8%
Stun Attack ChanceThe odds of stunning a target on hit(New)

4% - 8%
Stun Attack Chance
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Shocking Hit Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

4% - 8%
Shocking Hit ChanceThe odds of knocking back targets in a radius around the original target(New)

4% - 8%
Shocking Hit Chance
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Sweeping Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance

50% - 65%
Sweeping Hit ChanceThe odds of sweeping targets in a small radius around the original target(New)

50% - 65%
Sweeping Hit Chance
Lvl 0 +
Can not roll alongside:
Healing Cloud, Poison Cloud, Slowness Cloud, Fear Cloud, Chilling Cloud, Stun Attack Chance, Shocking Hit Chance, Lucky Hit Chance